Board Game Archive
This section contains projects related to board games. I have a website dedicated to board games: This page contains archives of dead projects or variant. I will post material that was used to create the games or variants I published a few years after they are released.
Battlemist - Variant (2012-08-04)
Bells of War: Variant + Turn Summary (2012-08-28)
Chez Dork - Variant (2012-08-04)
Creative Curses - Podcast Challenge (2015-02-12)
Duel Masters Revival - Website (2011-04-09)
Dungeon Twister - No cards and Gem Collection (2012-08-04)
Fallen Kingdoms (2013-12-18)
Twilight Imperium - Express (2012-08-04)
Twilight Imperium - Master of Orion (2012-08-04)
Twilight Imperium Modifications (2012-08-04)