Welcome to the Haunted Archives
This website contains all the work I have done so far. But beware, some of the content found here could be very scary considering that it was done more than 15 years ago.
Still, there might be people who could actually find some documents here useful for them. This is why I decided to build up this site. I still keep the copyrights on any content found here, so it you want to use it for commercial purpose, you have to warn me first. Else anything here can be used for personal use.
If you manage to modify, refine or enhance any work I have done, you can always send it by e-mail and I would gladly add-it to my archives.
By the way, not all my archives has been uploaded yet. I'll first start by archiving my old websites which most of the time are related to a project. Then I'll start uploading gradually my files. I still need to build a site to hold the stock before archiving.
I hope you find this site intriguing and beware ... it's haunted.